Dec 19, 2022
It's that time again to dive into "The Twelve Days of Christmas" and see how these holiday items faired with this year's overwhelming inflation. For the 39th year, PNC has calculated the cost of each gift on all 12 days to provide some visual insight to the gift-laden song.
2021 was a shock to most of the values of each item as they surged due to shortages and inflation. 2022 might have less issue with supply but now we see the aftermath of what the shortages caused in the PNC Christmas Price Index (the compiled research acquired to estimate the cost of each gift from all twelve days). To provide all 12 gifts to your True Love, you'd be set back $45,523.27 (+10.5% from 2021). If your True Love just has to have it all, then all 364 gifts from the entire song's repetition of daily gifts would cost you a grand total of $197,071.09 (+9.8% from 2021).
Unless your True Love has an affinity towards some feathery friends and outlandish performances, maybe stick to the golden rings and call it a day. However, the official twelve days of Christmas begins on Christmas and continues the following days after, so there's a few days left to gather all the gifts...or not. Do whatever you like, just don't go broke doing it!
The Cost of the Twelve Days of Christmas - 2022
Day 1: A Partridge in a Pear Tree - $280.18 (+25.8%)
Day 2: Two Turtle Doves - $600.00 (+33.3%)
Day 3: Three French Hens - $318.75 (+25.0%)
Day 4: Four Calling Birds - $599.96 (0.0%)
Day 5: Five Golden Rings - $1,245.00 (+39.1%)
Day 6: Six Geese-a-Laying - $720.00 (+9.1%)
Day 7: Seven Swans-a-Swimming - $13,124.93 (0.0%)
Day 8: Eight Maids-a-Milking - $58.00 (0.0%)
Day 9: Nine Ladies Dancing - $8,308.12 (+10.0%)
Day 10: Ten Lords-a-Leaping - $13,980.00 (+24.2%)
Day 11: Eleven Pipers Piping - $3,021.40 (+2.6%)
Day 12: Twelve Drummers Drumming - $3,266.93 (+2.6%)
For more details on how each cost was derived, visit PNC's Christmas Price Index website.
Prepared by Doug Fletcher - Copyright 2022.